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A Coruña(381)
Ciudad Real(101)
Illes Balears(744)
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Las Palmas(430)
Santa Cruz de Tenerife(220)
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Administración empresas(1.990)
Administración Pública(5)
Atención a clientes(833)
Calidad, producción, I+D(1.481)
Comercial y ventas(2.641)
Compras, logística y almacén(2.218)
Diseño y artes gráficas(156)
Educación y formación(68)
Finanzas y banca(85)
Informática y telecomunicaciones(1.203)
Ingenieros y técnicos(1.905)
Inmobiliario y construcción(839)
Marketing y comunicación(690)
Otras actividades(1.827)
Profesiones y oficios(1.444)
Recursos humanos(521)
Sanidad y salud(1.081)
Sector Farmacéutico(178)
Turismo y restauración(974)
Ventas al detalle(94)
Estudios mínimos:
Ciclo Formativo Grado Medio(197)
Ciclo Formativo Grado Superior(156)
Educación Secundaria Obligatoria(3.300)
Enseñanzas artísticas (regladas)(3)
Enseñanzas deportivas (regladas)(4)
Formación Profesional Grado Medio(1.000)
Formación Profesional Grado Superior(790)
Ingeniero Superior(241)
Ingeniero Técnico(61)
Otros cursos y formación no reglada(62)
Otros títulos, certificaciones y carnés(96)
Sin especificar(15.292)
Sin estudios(1.077)
Jornada laboral:
Intensiva - Indiferente(297)
Intensiva - Mañana(232)
Intensiva - Noche(20)
Intensiva - Tarde(50)
Parcial - Indiferente(2.538)
Parcial - Mañana(161)
Parcial - Noche(91)
Parcial - Tarde(98)
Sin especificar(6.256)
Tipo de contrato:
A tiempo parcial(126)
De duración determinada(3.162)
De relevo(12)
Fijo discontinuo(434)
Otros contratos(6.139)
Sin especificar(4.139)
Ver ofertas empleo

Ofertas de empleo de contract manager

60 ofertas de trabajo de contract manager

Marketing Account Manager (Miami)
Majestic Resorts
Sin especificar
Hace 3d

At Majestic Resorts, human talent has always been the key to our success. We offer you an excellent work environment where you can develop all your abilities to grow together professionally and personally. Majestic Resorts guarantees equal treatment and opportunities between men and women in its selection processes and is committed to a committed, motivating and enthusiastic team.

Majestic Resorts is a hotel brand with exceptional all-inclusive service. We are looking for a Marketing Account Manager will be a key point of contact when establishing media plans with strategic partnerships and is responsible for managing marketing campaigns and strategies accordingly to grow together in opportunities to promote new business for Majestic Resorts.This position is remote, located in the United States.

This role will develop B2B marketing tactics in the U.S. and Canadian markets by executing multiple marketing functions, including design, and delegating to other copywriters, designers, and marketing specialists when support is needed.
It’s essential for this position to establish efficiencies to improve communications and workflows with our travel partners. The aptitude to collaborate cross-department is vital to success in this role.


  • Actively support the media buy schedules for suppliers in the trade industry, including managing any communications and deadlines accordingly. Manage up any missing deadlines or information required to complete tasks.
  • Build and manage an annual marketing tactics calendar to clearly outline the deliverables required for contracted strategic partnerships.
  • Deploy monthly emails that not only focus on advertising client special offers, but also general knowledge, sales tips, and specific product information updates.
  • Establish impactful representation of our brand at events and tradeshows through exhibit and swag design.
  • Planning and execution of external communications regularly to travel advisors to promote and sell our resorts, both through email and social media channels.
  • Work with BDM’s to establish regular updates to travel advisor databases.
  • Manage and update all trade marketing pieces, including ads, brochures, and flyers to ensure that the Sales team is consistently working with relevant pieces.
  • Research, plan and execute future improvements to B2B channels including but not limited to social media and websites.
  • Revise annually established marketing presentations in English and Spanish, and develop a roadmap for potential presentations required to better sell the product.
  • Ability to manage, and also execute, both digital and print design projects.
  • Adapt campaigns, communications, and product messaging for B2B audiences, but also consider clientfriendliness for travel advisors to easily share with mutual guests.
  • Demonstrate the ability to effectively design for various applications including brand identity, print ads for sales, exhibit and tradeshow events, promotional products, email and digital marketing campaigns, and website design.
  • Lead by example, continually learning new skills and stay on top of trends as design and marketing evolves.
  • Learn the product in order to position KSP’s to travel advisors.
  • Assist in coordinating work schedules with the other managers, to optimize productivity and meet project deadlines.
  • Collaborate with designers to develop and refine design concepts, graphics, and layouts. Provide feedback, guidance, and support to ensure designs align with brand guidelines and meet objectives.
  • Conduct thorough reviews of design deliverables to ensure accuracy, consistency, and adherence to design
  • Foster effective communication and collaboration
  • Offer constructive feedback and implement revisions as needed to maintain high-quality output
  • Stay updated on industry trends, design best practices, and emerging technologies. Conduct research and provide recommendations for incorporating innovative design techniques and tools into projects.
Jornada sin especificar
Otros contratos
Salario sin especificar
Logistics and Warehouse Manager
Per empresa fabricant d'equips industrials, líder al seu sector, en important creixement i situada al Vallès Oriental, seleccionem una/a Logistics and Warehouse Manager per incorporar-se a les seves instal·lacions centrals. En dependència del responsable d'operacions, serà l'encarregat/da de dirigir un equip d'unes 10 persones i les seves principals tasques seran:

·Garantir la correcta gestió i planificació de les activitats d'enviament nacionals, exportacions i importacions, transport i emmagatzematge.
·Gestionar i organitzar totes les operacions de logístiques, tant del transport intern com de l'extern.
·Gestionar el transport de vendes (contractació de l'expedició de transport de mercaderies per la venta, emissió de factures, llista i control d'embalatge i identificació de productes (amb outsourcing quan sigui necessari) i seguiment de cargues.
·Gestionar el transport intern (moviments de mercaderies pel consum propi).
·Organitzar el flux de productes (matèries primes, semi acabades i processat) per millorar processos de producció i el control del estat i ubicació.
·Supervisar carrega i descarrega de mercaderies.
·Rebre i comprovar de mercaderies.
·Mantenir i controlar el magatzem en general.
·Controlar els estocs.
Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
Salario sin especificar
Senior Contracting Manager

We are looking for a Senior Contracting Manager to join our team in Palma. As a Senior Contracting Manager, you will be responsible to maintain and increase revenue by achieving contracting targets and exploring new business opportunities in accordance to guidelines, standards and strategies of the company in the assigned area. As well as, propose and implement contracting strategies within territory in conjunction with management & in line with overall company goals.

Key Responsibilities:

  • Act as the face to face key point contact for accommodation supplier vendors to maintain the relationship for matters related to contracting, operational, commercial or financial activities.
  • Negotiate the initial purchase quality metrics of the contractwith new suppliers and contract renewals. Conditions include rate, inventory, offers, release periods, marketing contributions, overrides, cancellation policy, credit terms, pricing model (net or commission etc.)
  • Maintain & expand the supplier portfolio according to targets, ensuring product diversity for our customer base.
  • Identify and negotiate with key partner's preferential conditions in direct coordination with the immediate superior & promote the commercial opportunities.
  • Identify and monitor contractual obligation to ensure that compliance is achieved (customer service standards, data protection, signings etc) and that the risks associated with any non-compliance are addressed as appropriate.
  • Ensure contracts targets are met and maintains/grows production in the designated areas.
  • Anything related to the contracting; negotiations, setting and loading, client assignment of contracts and non-bookable content, follow ups of brochure descriptions with hoteliers… etc.
  • Analyse the sales performance, comparisons to previous years, competitors and margins. Considering Flight availabilities, new operations or any changes affecting the performance of the contracted product
Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
Salario sin especificar
40877 - Project Manager

· Coordinació dels projectes de caràcter col·laboratiu elaborats dins del clúster
· Presentació i execució dels projectes Europeus en els que participa el clúster
· Suport en la justificació dels projectes en els que participa el clúster
· Identificació de potencials projectes innovadors en els àmbits de la digitalització, la sostenibilitat i la internacionalització pels membres del clúster
· Cerca de sinergies amb els altres clústers de l'entorn
· Identificació de potencials socis i localització de contactes
· Organització de reunions online i participació en elles
· Seguiment comercial de potencials projectes
· Suport en les tasques de comunicació del clúster
· Coordinació i recolzament a la organització de:
(1) Jornades presencials i virtuals
(2) Grups de Treball
(3) Webinars o sessions formatives
· Redacció d'actes, informes i convocatòries públiques
· En general, donar suport a tota l'activitat que desenvolupa la Presidència i la Clúster Manager en el dia a dia

  • Tipus de relació professional: Contracte
  • Tipologia de contracte: Indefinit
  • Núm. Hores setmanals: 40
  • Horari: Flexible
  • Retribució brut anual: Entre 26,000 i 28,000 + un 10% de variable
Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
27.000€ - 30.000€ bruto/año
Facility Manager - Residuos (Remoto)
Estamos buscando un o una Gestor de Instalaciones/ Facility Manager para una empresa multinacional que se especializa en la gestión de instalaciones (FM). ¿QUÉ SE OFRECE? * Contrato indefinido * Horario flexible de entrada y salida: de L a V con entrada a 7:30h - 9:30h y salida entre 16h - 18h * Salario entre 35.000 - 45.000 euros/brutos anuales en función de la experiencia aportada al puesto * Trabajo Remoto, con 6 - 10 viajes al año a nivel nacional ¿QUÉ FUNCIONES REALIZARÁS? * Gestionar solicitudes de clientes, contratos y servicios, incluyendo la gestión de residuos, adquisición de materiales reciclables y seguridad de edificios * Consultar proveedores, analizar ofertas, redactar contratos y licitaciones en gestión de residuos y servicios técnicos * Supervisar proveedores para garantizar calidad, cumplimiento contractual y minimización de costos * Proporcionar soporte diario de forma remota y organizar reuniones con clientes y proveedores, redactando las actas correspondientes * Preparar y distribuir informes de gestión cualitativos, cuantitativos y financieros para los proyectos bajo su responsabilidad, y garantizar el cumplimiento de los requisitos legales
Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
35.000€ - 45.000€ bruto/año
Facility Manager - Residuos (Remoto)
Estamos buscando un o una Gestor de Instalaciones/ Facility Manager para una empresa multinacional que se especializa en la gestión de instalaciones (FM). ¿QUÉ SE OFRECE? * Contrato indefinido * Horario flexible de entrada y salida: de L a V con entrada a 7:30h - 9:30h y salida entre 16h - 18h * Salario entre 35.000 - 45.000 euros/brutos anuales en función de la experiencia aportada al puesto * Trabajo Remoto, con 6 - 10 viajes al año a nivel nacional ¿QUÉ FUNCIONES REALIZARÁS? * Gestionar solicitudes de clientes, contratos y servicios, incluyendo la gestión de residuos, adquisición de materiales reciclables y seguridad de edificios * Consultar proveedores, analizar ofertas, redactar contratos y licitaciones en gestión de residuos y servicios técnicos * Supervisar proveedores para garantizar calidad, cumplimiento contractual y minimización de costos * Proporcionar soporte diario de forma remota y organizar reuniones con clientes y proveedores, redactando las actas correspondientes * Preparar y distribuir informes de gestión cualitativos, cuantitativos y financieros para los proyectos bajo su responsabilidad, y garantizar el cumplimiento de los requisitos legales
Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
35.000€ - 45.000€ bruto/año
Electrical Project Manager
An energy sector company located in Valencia, needs to incorporate an Electrical Project Manager for its offices in Valencia, who will manage projects from Valencia's Office for different locations in United States. The successful candidate will be willing to work from the company's office in Valencia from 12.00am to 9.00pm.

Main functions:
- Establish and track project milestones and performance standards.
- Work in parallel with the Project Director to organize and use field staff to the fullest potential.
- Create, update, and manage the project schedule.
- Develop the project budget upon assignment and track Earned Value throughout the project.
- Keep a project within budget while maintaining schedule.
- Have the ability to accurately estimate cost at specific milestones and completion for the project.
- Work with the appropriate team members procure labor, equipment, materials, and subcontracts in a timely manner.
- Create relationships with client, subcontractors and vendors with the company's interest in mind.
- Have the ability to look at field problems with an "outside the box" mentality providing value engineering to the client.
- Have the ability to lead a team of management staff and field staff.

It offers:
- Immediate incorporation, long-term contract.
- Career development and progression.
- Competitive salary + bonus.

It's required:
- Demonstrable proficiency in Automation and Energy Management System, SCADA system, Protection, and control System in electrical substation.
- Ability to read and interpret electrical installations drawings.
- Flexibility to travel to US. (Aprox. 7 trips per year, 2 weeks trips each time).
- Ability to provide technical solutions to construction problems.
- Team management skills.
Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
Salario sin especificar
Business Development Manager Servicios Energéticos - Madrid
Crearte Consulting
Madrid, Madrid
6 de junio
Nuestro cliente es la empresa de Energía líder en el desarrollo de infraestructuras regenerativas que generan un impacto positivo en la sociedad. Su plantilla, formada por más de 45.500 profesionales y presente en más de 40 países de los cinco continentes, contribuye a su misión de diseñar un planeta mejor. Buscamos personas que quieran marcar la diferencia, promover el desarrollo sostenible y encontrar soluciones a los mayores desafíos globales, incluidos el cambio climático, la sobrepoblación y la escasez hídrica. Estamos buscando varias posiciones de Business Development Manager Servicios Energéticos para la zona de Madrid y Alrededores.FUNCIONES:- Identificar nuevas oportunidades de negocio relacionadas con proyectos de descarbonización y eficiencia energética en el privado focalizándose en grandes cuentas e industrias B2B)- Crear oportunidades que promuevan e impulsen el crecimiento del negocio. Búsqueda activa, incorporación y consolidación de nuevas cuentas.- Liderar negociaciones comerciales con clientes en las distintas etapas desde el primer contacto hasta el cierre del contrato. Mantener relaciones con clientes a lo largo del avance del proyecto.- Realizar las acciones necesarias para asegurar el cumplimiento de los objetivos anuales, actuando siempre bajo los criterios comerciales fijados por la dirección.- Incorporar nuevos canales comerciales. - Generar sinergias entre las diferentes líneas de negocio dentro de la dirección así como sino interempresa.- Coordinar con el equipo de Ofertas con el fin de proponer el mejor enfoque en cada oportunidad, realizando una labor de comunicación transversal.- Colaborar con la dirección de negocio en la definición, implantación y seguimiento de la estrategia comercial. - Mantener actualizados en los CRMs la actividad comercial incluyendo y las oportunidades de su responsabilidad así como las del equipo asignado. Realizar el adecuado seguimiento de la actividad comercial, encaminado a la consecución de los objetivos.- Preparar la documentación necesaria para reportar a los diferentes comités internos las oportunidades a aprobar. - Coordinar con el departamento de Asesoría Jurídica en la elaboración de documentos contractuales con clientes (LOI, MoU, contratos, etc.)- Participar en eventos, conferencias, congresos y ferias sectoriales representando a la empresa e identificando posibles oportunidades.- Identificar y proponer acciones de mejora derivadas de la no adjudicación de la oferta. QUE SE OFRECE: - Formar parte de una empresa de Energía líder en tecnologías renovables.- Flexibilidad horaria.- Paquete Retributivo muy atractivo de Salario Fijo según experiencia`+ Variable.
Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
Salario sin especificar
The Area Sales Manager mission is to develop sales by prospection, promotion and prescription of our client solutions. Functions: Sales and Partner Management activities: In coordination with the company Partners (where appropriate) or directly with prospects and customers for the targeted countries of the LATAM area. Prospecting and Partner Management Identification and qualification of commercial contacts Identification and qualification of new projects, sales opportunities and potential business Analysis of the context of each business and establishment of commercial conditions adapted in agreement with the General Manager of the company and with the partner when there is one. Periodically visit the targeted countries of the Area for detection and follow-up of opportunities and animation of the partners Providing an update on current business and coming activities, Identifications of new business(es) and activities to be implemented Analysis of the project(s) Presentation of the project to the customer and/or the partner Competition: actors and solutions Control of Partners activities according to a program defined upfront Conditions: Great opportunity to be part of an attractive Project of business development within a growing international Group with a clear positioning in the Smart Environment and advanced technology. We offer: - Full-time permanent contract - Global yearly growth salary (fixed + variable) & additional bonus upon achievement of quantitative and qualitative objectives - Yearly collective company bonus upon achievement of the company target of EBIT - Private health insurance benefit.
Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
Salario sin especificar
Technical-Commercial Development Manager for Coconut Substrates

Are you a sales expert with a passion for agriculture? Would you like to be part of a leading company in its sector? This is your opportunity to make a difference and expand your professional career!

At Brandty, we are looking for a Technical-Commercial Development Manager for Coconut Substrates to join a prominent company in the agricultural sector.

Your mission will be to promote, sell, and provide technical support for the products, both nationally and internationally. This role combines commercial and technical skills and requires adaptability to different cultures and markets.

What will your responsibilities be?

Market Analysis:

  • Monitor and analyze trends in coconut substrates.
  • Identify new opportunities and develop penetration strategies.

Development of Commercial Strategies:

  • Design and implement strategies to promote coconut substrates.
  • Develop action plans to maximize sales.

Sales and Client Development:

  • Contact and develop relationships with clients in the horticultural and agricultural sectors.
  • Organize meetings, presentations, and events to promote coconut substrates.

Technical Advice:

  • Provide technical advice on coconut substrates.
  • Assess client needs and recommend suitable solutions.

After-Sales Support:

  • Coordinate deliveries and provide ongoing technical support.

What we offer...

  • Permanent contract.
  • Full-time position.
  • Flexible working hours.

Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
Salario sin especificar
Web maintenance Assistant Asistente/a mantenimiento web
Importante organización ubicada en Bilbao precisa incorporar a su plantilla una persona para trabajar como Web maintenance Assistant Asistente/a mantenimiento webMain functions and duties under the supervision of the Promotions Manager:Website content maintenance:-Coordinating with the ICT/web team (and other Agencys staff) for the corporate, Napo and HWC websites.- Attending regular web maintenance meetings with IT/web developers´ contractors and the ICT/web team.- Opening Jira tickets, when applicable.- Monitoring the Jira tickets created by the editorial team and coordinating with team members for clarifications and necessary follow-up, when needed.- Monitoring the implementation of necessary actions by contractors.- Reporting updates to the Team Coordinator and the team.Other tasks:- Participating in regular meetings: Editorial, Promotion, Unit, Staff, web maintenance, contractors, etcEn Adecco creemos en la igualdad de oportunidades y apostamos por el Talento Sin Etiquetas
Jornada completa
Otros contratos
Salario sin especificar
40764 - Junior Account Manager IT

Uneix-te al nostre equip com a Junior Account Manager en el sector IT a Barcelona! Estem en constant innovació i creixement, oferint solucions tecnològiques tant per al sector privat com per a l'administració pública. Busquem un/a Junior Account Manager per impulsar la venda consultiva dels nostres diversos software.

Responsabilitats del lloc:

  • Posicionar l'empresa com a proveïdor de referència al mercat.
  • Desenvolupar i executar plans de compte específics per a cada client clau.
  • Entendre i comunicar la proposta de valor de les nostres solucions de software.
  • Mantenir contacte regular amb els clients a través de trucades i visites presencials.
  • Gestionar la cartera de solucions IT, adaptant-la a les necessitats del sector privat i públic.


  • Contracte indefinit a jornada completa
  • Oportunitats de creixement professional i desenvolupament de carrera.
  • Equilibri treball-vida amb jornades intensives a l'estiu i els divendres. Per tant, horari flexible de dilluns a divendres entre les 8h i les 18h, segons candidatura
  • Ambient laboral positiu i col·laboratiu.
  • Pla de retribució flexible adaptat a les teves necessitats personals. Inicialment entre 18-21k + variable.
Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
18.000€ - 21.000€ bruto/año
Manager (H/M/X)

As the Maintenance Manager, you will oversee all maintenance operations for our facilities, utilities, and equipment. Your primary objectives include ensuring a safe and productive working environment while maintaining high-quality standards. Your responsibilities will include:

  • Managing day-to-day maintenance operations, encompassing both preventive and corrective maintenance activities.
  • Developing and implementing maintenance procedures and protocols to optimize equipment and system performance and reliability.
  • Collaborating with internal departments and external contractors to schedule maintenance activities effectively and minimize downtime.
  • Creating and managing the maintenance budget, ensuring efficient resource allocation while meeting financial goals.
  • Defining spare parts inventory policies and overseeing the Spare Parts warehouse.
  • Promoting a culture of safety, quality, and regulatory compliance by providing training and supervision to maintenance staff, supporting their ongoing skill development and knowledge enhancement.

To excel in this role, you should possess the following qualifications:

  • Bachelor’s degree in engineering, Facilities Management, or a related field.
  • Minimum of 5 years of proven experience leading a Maintenance Team, preferably in industrial maintenance procedures.
  • Proficiency in maintenance management systems, preferably SAP.
  • Advanced in English and Spanish.
Jornada sin especificar
Contrato indefinido
40.000€ - 40.000€ bruto/año
Key Account Manager - Servicios Profesionales

Desde Luxe Talent, Consultoría Internacional de Selección y Formación de personal especializada en Moda, Lujo, Retail y FMCG, estamos buscando para uno de nuestros clientes, empresa del sector servicios dentro del sector retail, a un/a Key Account Manager para trabajar en profundidad el portfolio de la compañia desde sus oficinas en el centro de Barcelona.

En nuestra consultoría de selección y formación trabajamos con distintas firmas en los sectores del Lujo, Premium y High Premium alrededor de Europa y tenemos oficinas en Barcelona, Madrid, Paris, Milán y Munich.

Descripción del Puesto:

  • Alcanzar los objetivos de ventas y nuevos negocios, incluyendo la venta cruzada de productos a cuentas existentes.
  • Cumplir con las obligaciones contractuales específicas de las cuentas tanto a nivel de oficina central como en tienda.
  • Mantener una gestión de relaciones de alto nivel y desarrollar planes de venta para todas las cuentas.
  • Monitorear y gestionar los niveles de deuda de las cuentas asignadas para minimizar la exposición a deudas incobrables.
  • Mejorar el conocimiento y la experiencia de los comerciantes con nuestros servicios.
  • Utilizar el sistema CRM de manera precisa para planificar, registrar y reportar actividades específicas de la cuenta.
  • Analizar, presentar, discutir y tomar acciones regularmente sobre las estadísticas comerciales con los Store Managers, según lo acordado por el Sales Manager.
  • Implementar planes de acción y visitas a tiendas de acuerdo con el modelo de segmentación de la empresa.
Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
Salario sin especificar
Job Description:Are you ready to immerse yourself in the vibrant and dynamic atmosphere of Ibiza? We are seeking an experienced Operations Manager to join our team and lead the charge in ensuring the seamless operation of our properties while delivering exceptional guest experiences. This is a unique opportunity to blend your passion for hospitality with your knack for property management, all against the backdrop of one of the world's most iconic destinations.Key Responsibilities:Property Management:Oversee the day-to-day maintenance and upkeep of all properties under our management.Coordinate with maintenance staff, vendors, and contractors to ensure timely resolution of any issues.Conduct regular property inspections to maintain quality standards and identify areas for improvement, reporting back periodically to C.E.OOperations Management:Manage the overall operations of our properties, including staffing, scheduling, and resource allocation.Develop and implement operational procedures to streamline processes and enhance efficiency.Monitor inventory levels and procurement of supplies to meet operational needs.Team Supervision:Lead and motivate a team of hospitality and maintenance staff, providing guidance and support as needed.Conduct performance evaluations and provide ongoing training to ensure team members are equipped to deliver exceptional service.Hospitality and Guest Relations:Foster a culture of hospitality excellence, ensuring that guests receive personalized and memorable experiences.Handle guest inquiries, feedback, and complaints in a prompt and professional manner, striving to exceed expectations at every touchpoint.Collaborate with the marketing team to develop and execute strategies for guest engagement and retention.Requirements: A presentable, personable, reliable, person with initiative. Excellent communication and interpersonal skills, with the ability to interact confidently with guests and stakeholders at all levels- Fluent in english and good use of oral spanishExcellent written EnglishGood organisational skillsAn energetic, forward thinking and solution led approach A willingness to be both responsible for and accountable to others Hands on willingness to take on practical tasks Proven experience in property management and/or operations management, preferably in the hospitality industry.Strong leadership abilities with a track record of effectively managing teams and driving results.Detail-oriented mindset with a proactive approach to problem-solving.Perks:Competitive salary and benefits package.Opportunity to work in one of the most exciting and dynamic destinations in the world.Relocation assistance and accommodation provided.If you're ready to embark on an exhilarating journey in hospitality management and operations, apply now to join our team in Ibiza!
Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
25.000€ - 30.000€ bruto/año

Des de Marlex, estem col·laborant amb una important empresa ubicada a la comarca del Bages, essent una de els empreses pioneres en el sector d’higiene femenina, utilitzant cotó ecològic, que actualment té la necessitat d’incorporar al seu equip un/a Project Manager.

Quina seria la teva missió a l’empresa?

En dependència de la Direcció Tècnica, la persona seleccionada s’encarregarà de:

  • Gestió i seguiment de projectes I+D: sol·licitar la documentació necessària pels projectes, seguiment amb proveïdors, justificació de projectes, estudis de viabilitat...
  • Gestió de subvencions i administració pública: gestió i recerca activa de subvencions, validació de la documentació i especificacions del plec de clàusules, així com la seva justificació davant l’administració pública.
  • Desenvolupament del mòdul de gestió de projectes a l’ERP Intern.
  • Alimentació regular de la base de dades amb la informació rellevant dels projectes.
  • Control pressupostari: seguiment rigorós dels pressupostos assignats a casa projecte, així com col·laborar amb altres departaments per assegurar la correcta gestió financera dels projectes.
  • Coordinació i seguiment dels diferents passos del cicle del projecte, assegurant-ne el tancament eficient i exitós.

Què s’ofereix?

  • Contractació directe per empresa i de forma indefinida.
  • Formar part d’un gran equip de treball i aprenentatge constant, en una empresa consolidada dins del seu sector.
  • Estabilitat, pla de carrera dins de l’organització i formació continua.
  • Jornada laboral completa de dilluns a divendres.
  • Salari competitiu segons vàlua del/a candidat/a.
  • Estabilitat laboral.
Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
Salario sin especificar
Junior Account Manager

We are looking for a Junior Account Manager to join us in our Commercial team, based in Palma. Our team is growing, so we are looking for a proactive and curious person who wants to develop his/her professional career in a Commercial department.

Main responsibilities:

  • Analyse and understand our destinations and clients, their business model, and their requirements.
  • Develop a thorough understanding of our products and service offerings to better upsell and cross-sell to clients
  • Customer account management, including negotiation of contracts and agreements to maximize profit
  • Educate clients on existing and new product features and functionalities and how it can contribute to their business growth
  • Acquisition of new clients, making their business model transparent and carrying out risk assessment
  • Constant market research and analysis to create business plans on commercial opportunities
  • Monitoring performance reports with according interpretation and execution of required actions towards clients and the organization
  • Close collaboration with different cross functional teams/departments across multiple countries
  • Central point of contact for the clients and organization.
Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
Salario sin especificar
40668 - Production technician

The Production Technician position is available in a research center of advanced therapies. The position involves the tasks of the technician for the Production of Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products (ATMPs) for all medical disciplines.

The Area for Clinical Production is involved in the following processes:
-Cell-based therapeutic products.
-Gene therapy products and lentiviral production in our GMP facility.
-Tissue engineering products and production of artificial scaffolds.
-3D bioprinting tissues.
-GMP and UNE-EN-ISO:9001 protocols.

This work will be performed at the Clinical Area in close contact with the laboratory of Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine. The center is integrated in the Spanish network of Advance Therapies (RICORDS; TERAV), which provides a collaborative environment to successfully achieve our objectives.

Main Duties
Production Technician:
-Carry out the technical tasks of drug production for the different therapies in progress as assigned by the Production Manager.
-Entry of materials and reagents following the quality system.
-Research processes and cell culture work.
-Maintenance of equipment and facilities.
-Participate in the Validation and Qualification activities of the medicines produced.
-Fine-tuning of the production of artificial tissues through 3D bioprinting.
-Preparation of the documentation assigned to him in relation to the production of advanced therapy drugs.
-Complete and register the documentation in the manner defined in the Quality System.
-Comply with Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) and Quality Systems.

  • Type of professional relationship: Contract
  • Type of contract: Indefinite
  • No. Weekly hours: 38
  • Hours: 8:30/9:30 a.m. 5:00 p.m./6:00 p.m. (includes weekends when needed)
  • Gross annual salary: 24720
Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
24.000€ - 24.000€ bruto/año
Payroll Internship

The Company

Auxadi is the leading firm for International Accounting, Tax, and Payroll management powered by Technology and amazing People (again 2023, certified as Great Place to Work!)

We support our clients by becoming an international extension of their accounting departments. Our Single Point of Contact model and cloud-based technology platform are clear differentiators of our value proposition.

At Auxadi you’ll be part of a team of over 300 professionals in 22 jurisdictions, serving clients in more than 50 countries and being part of multi-country projects. You will work side by side with colleagues from all over the world developing your professional life in a multicultural environment.

Auxadi is an equal opportunities employer and is firmly committed to promoting equal opportunities in the workplace, providing means to assist all employees in their professional and personal development, without tolerating any type of discrimination.

Auxadi’s spirit is global!

Why Auxadi?

Employment contract for an indefinite period after completing the internship: We offer you a clear career path with great possibilities for growth through one of our most important policies: "Promotion from within". (90% of our managers started their professional career at AUXADI as interns).

Continuous training plan: You will receive adapted training that will allow you to develop professional and interpersonal skills to perform in a productive and efficient way. We want you to grow with us!

Multicultural environment: You will have the opportunity to work in a dynamic environment with accounting and tax professionals who will provide you with support and experience.

You will be part of a Best Place to Work (2018, 2019, 2021, 2023). You will work next to talented, committed and supportive teammates from all over the world.

What will my functions be?

As part of the Payroll team, you will learn and support the following functions:

- Management of registrations, deregistrations and variations in the Red System.
- Payroll preparation
- Receiving and checking information and incidents affecting payrolls
- Processing of formalities related to Social Security.
- Preparation of the corresponding monthly, quarterly and annual taxes (forms 111, 190, 216).

Jornada completa
Contrato formativo
Salario sin especificar
40591 - Technical Service Engineer (Chemical)

Chinesse chemical company leader provider of advanced materials and specialty chemicals, located in Cornellà is looking for a Technical Service Engineer.

As a Technical Service Engineer, you will be an integral part of our international business and technical team. This role involves contributing to the success of our ambitious overseas business development. The Technical Service Engineer will report to the Overseas Technical Service Manager, and work closely with experienced researchers and sales managers to ensure the efficient and fast business growth.


  • Provide professional and timely technical services to polyurethane downstream customers.
  • Provide fast and effective technical services to customers when product runs line test.
  • Identify problems quickly and efficiently during problem-solving, help customers to resolve the issue, and handle customer complaints.
  • Collaborate with sales and technical teams to develop new customer, conduct factory trial, and collaborate to fulfil sales target.
  • Collect market information of new customer needs, industry development trends, and monitor the performance of our and competitor's products.
  • Provide market and product information to support R&D and sales teams in product improvement, business development, and customer management.

We offer:

  • Fulltime permanent contract
  • Flexible schedule
  • Gross per year: 35k-40k
  • Overseas training

Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
36.000€ - 39.000€ bruto/año
40574 - Tècnic-a d'Administració de Personal

Associació per a la Integració i Salut de les Persones Grans i amb Dependència està cercant un/a Tècnic-a d'Administració de Personal pel departament de Recursos Humans.

La seva missió principal serà la de gestionar el desenvolupament de les activitats relacionades amb els processos d'administració i control del personal, assegurant el compliment de les obligacions laborals derivades de la relació laboral de les persones treballadores.

Responsabilitats i funcions bàsiques del lloc:

  • Control, gestió i tramitació de les comunicacions en la seguretat social en matèria de personal (altes i baixes empresa, modificacions de jornada, baixes i altes de IT, baixes i altes de AT, etc...)
  • Control i gestió dels contractes de treball, venciments de contractes, períodes de prova i comunicacions SEPE.
  • Gestió i enviaments de la documentació per les noves incorporacions: manual d'acollida, pla acollida, document TA2, contracte, copia bàsica, document de acceptació.
  • Gestió, control i seguiment de la vigilància de la salut: revisions mèdiques de les noves incorporacions i periòdiques.
  • Gestió, control i seguiment de la formació inicial en matèria de prevenció de riscos laborals de les noves incorporacions.
  • Atendre a les consultes i dubtes del personal de l¿Entitat i delegacions en matèria laboral.
  • Control dels marcatges del personal.
  • Recepció i introducció de les vacances del personal al Integro.
  • Gestió i arxiu de la documentació de personal a la BBDD (Service Manager, Integro i expedients digitals).
  • Revisió i gestió del correu diari equip RRHH.

Responsabilitats i funcions auxiliars del lloc

  • Confecció de calendaris laborals anuals per delegacions.
  • Informe mensual del personal.
  • Suport al personal de cures en la tramitació de Certificats de professionalitat.
  • Gestió d'enquestes i estadístiques oficials.


  • Tipus de relació professional: Contracte
  • Tipologia de contracte: Indefinit
  • Núm. Hores setmanals: 40
  • Horari: 9h a 14h i 15h a 18h de dilluns a divendres
  • Retribució brut anual: 24000
Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
24.000€ - 24.000€ bruto/año
40528 - Tècnic-a selecció (cuidadors/ores)

Associació per a la Integració i Salut de les Persones Grans i amb Dependència està cercant un/a Gestor/a de selecció del personal cuidador per les zones de Barcelona, Badalona i Sant Boi.

Les tasques principals seran les de realitzar tot el procés de reclutament segons al procediment establert, realitzar entrevistes de selecció dels possibles candidats a cuidadors/as, recopilació de documentació i comprovació de dades, identificar perfil del candidat/a, verificar la idoneïtat al servei de l'entitat, procés d'acolliment i seguiment durant al període de prova.

Reportarà periòdicament a la direcció de recursos humans i la responsalbe de delegació de la zona.


  • Realitzar un procés de selecció continuat que permeti en tot moment disposar d'una bossa activa de cuidadors/as.
  • Buscar i seleccionar nous assistents/as: web de l'empresa, CV lliurats a la Delegació, entitats d'Integració social, borses de treball d'altres entitats d'àmbits social, etc.
  • Realitzar prospecció activa de possibles fonts de proveïment de candidats/as que assegurin en tot moment la disponibilitat de personal assistencial.
  • Contactar amb els/as candidats/as pre-seleccionats/as i concertar entrevistes presencials en la mateixa delegació.
  • Definir, a partir de l'entrevista amb el/la candidata/a, el perfil d'assistent i crear la fitxa al programa Service Manager identificant com candidat/a vàlid o no vàlid.
  • Gestionar la informació obtinguda a partir de l'entrevista (incl. Fotografia).
  • Comprovar i contrastar la veracitat de les dades aportades pels candidats/as.
  • Realitzar la recopilació de documentació requerida en el procediment de selecció d'assistents (DNI/NIE, Núm. SS, Núm. CC, acreditacions acadèmiques, referències professionals, etc).
  • Comunicació de l’alta, preparar l’acolliment de les persones seleccionades per poder iniciar el servei i seguiment durant al període de prova.


  • Tipus de relació professional: Contracte
  • Tipologia de contracte: Indefinit
  • Núm. Hores setmanals: 40
  • Horari: 9h a 14h i 15h a 18h de dilluns a divendres
  • Retribució brut anual: 22000 aprox.
Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
21.000€ - 24.000€ bruto/año
A MagmaCultura estem compromesos amb la cultura. Som un referent en el desenvolupament i gestió de projectes culturals, educatius i turístics. La nostra passió és promoure el valor de la cultura i fer-la accessible a les persones. El nostre principal motor és la professionalitat, el talent i el compromís del nostre equip expert en gestió cultural. Un dels principals valors de MagmaCultura consisteix en la creació d'un lloc de treball en el qual totes les persones es sentin respectades, representades i incloses en un entorn segur en el qual puguin desenvolupar i impulsar la seva carrera professional amb èxit. Per això mateix, com a institució compromesa amb la cultura i la diversitat, vetllem per la promoció d'un ambient de treball en el qual destaqui la igualtat de gènere i el respecte per motius de raça, ètnia, orientació sexual o diversitat funcional. T'interessaria exercir un rol clau en la gestió de diversos projectes dins del sector de l'art i la cultura? Diàriament, milers de persones exploren els museus de les nostres ciutats amb expectatives i vivències molt diverses. Els nostres clients, les institucions culturals, requereixen equips capaços de connectar amb la diversitat d'audiències. Com un/a Cultural Account Manager, la teva labor consistirà a construir i mantenir relacions sòlides amb una xarxa de museus, oferint-los serveis culturals d'alta qualitat i especialització. T'encarregaràs de liderar al teu equip, equilibrant les seves necessitats en un entorn en constant canvi. Com a líder de la teva xarxa de museus, buscaràs l'optimització de recursos en projectes, atenent les necessitats dels clients i proposant solucions creatives a l'equip. Les teves funcions clau inclouran: - Gestionar relacions: conèixer als teus interlocutors/as i establir relacions cordials amb ells/es. - Controlar la informació: realitzar una anàlisi profunda del compte de resultats i les dades del client per a garantir una gestió eficient. - Gestionar el negoci: oferir i promoure serveis culturals d'excel·lència mitjançant la creació de plans estratègics personalitzats per a cada compte. - Dirigir el projecte i a l'equip: ser el nexe entre el client i l'empresa, informant sobre qualsevol canvi a totes dues parts, comunicant decisions a l'equip i abordant problemes que puguin sorgir. Què oferim: - Oportunitat d'incorporar-te a un equip líder en la gestió cultural, compromès amb la promoció del valor del patrimoni cultural i fer-lo accessible per a les persones. - Desenvolupament professional en una companyia amb projecció internacional en constant expansió. - Contracte indefinit a jornada completa. - Lloc de treball: Barcelona.
Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
Salario sin especificar

Molins is an international company that it’s expanding its business worldwide, so we are reinforcing our Corporate Procurement team with a new Category Manager specialised in Raw Materials.

You will be part of an engaged and diverse team and you will report directly to Procurement Corporate Director. You will have the responsibility of leading the category management of raw materials, either with Global Sourcing or assisting local procurement teams. You will be in direct contact with internal customers to deliver best-results.


  • Prepare the strategy of the category based on understanding business strategy and targets and supply market overview.
  • Identify synergies between businesses and develop Global sourcing when comes to it. Define the negotiations plan and develop competitive sourcing strategies.
  • Prepare general terms & conditions and draft contracts with our legal team and in accordance to Molins standards.
  • Prepare bid results and awarding proposals for approval. Close final contracts.
  • Asses and assist local teams when negotiating.
  • Manage contract performance.
Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
Salario sin especificar
HR INTERNSHIP - Training and Development

The Company

Auxadi is the leading firm for International Accounting, Tax, and Payroll management powered by Technology and amazing People (again 2023, certified as Great Place to Work!) We support our clients by becoming an international extension of their accounting departments. Our Single Point of Contact model and cloud-based technology platform are clear differentiators of our value proposition. At Auxadi you’ll be part of a team of over 300 professionals in 22 jurisdictions, serving clients in more than 50 countries and being part of multi-country projects. You will work side by side with colleagues from all over the world developing your professional life in a multicultural environment. Auxadi is an equal opportunities employer and is firmly committed to promoting equal opportunities in the workplace, providing means to assist all employees in their professional and personal development, without tolerating any type of discrimination.

What will my functions be?

  • Collaborate in the design, implementation and management of the company's training plan to adapt it to the needs of professionals and the business.
  • Support in the communication and organisation of training initiatives held in person and/or virtually (invitations, attendance monitoring, reminders, teaching materials, documentation, etc.).
  • Support in the organisation of corporate events
  • Monitoring of training indicators (degree of satisfaction of participants, quality of initiatives, etc.) in order to optimise efficiency and results.


  • Employment contract for an indefinite period after completing the internship: We offer you a clear career path with great possibilities for growth through one of our most important policies: "Promotion from within". (90% of our managers started their professional career at AUXADI as interns).
  • We offer you a career path with great possibilities for growth through one of our most important policies: "Promotion from within".
  • Multicultural environment: You will have the opportunity to work in a dynamic environment with accounting and tax professionals who will provide you with support and experience.
  • You will be part of a Best Place to Work (2018, 2019, 2021, 2023). You will work next to talented, committed and supportive teammates from all over the world

Jornada completa
Contrato formativo
Salario sin especificar